Monday, September 28, 2009

Quick update

Hello All,
First of all, a big thanks to my muffin stealing sister for taking up some of the slack here. Umm, muffins....were they Blueberry by any chance?
I have to set the record straight. I was not in love with that Hickory nut. I simply enjoyed his smokey flavor and no kidding, that's the biggest Hickory Nut I've ever seen. I just brought it to the food lady so that she could see it in all it's nutty enormousness. Between you and me, I think she might be insane.
The human people are home here with the stomach virus. I sure hope I don't get that. I'm keeping my distance and wearing a surgical mask as well as a newspaper sailor hat the provider man made for me. I don't know, sometimes I just feel festive and like to show it.
Yappy day to you all! The writing dog is back!
Mmmmm, muffins.

1 comment:

  1. Rowdy, they were cinnamon crumble muffins which are even yummier than blueberry. I think my human likes them better too because she got really mad. (I left her 3, I still don't know what she was so upset about!)
