Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Dear John?

To my human:
I am confused. Am I not a good dog? I don't pee on the floor, I don't eat your socks (often), I don't attack the orange and white furball or the gray furball (at least not without provocation), and when I escape from the backyard I don't run away. So why have you abanoned me? You have been gone a lot recently. I understand if you need a break from the furballs occasionally, (I do too, so next time you should take me with you). But do you have to go so often?
I do thank you for leaving my old human to take care of me. But he comes with another human and two little humans. They're okay, but they move very quickly. Please, lets discuss this when you return. Surely I can travel with you. You need me there to make sure you are properly covered with dog hair and saliva.

Miss you,

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