Monday, August 10, 2009

The head dog starts......

It's true what they say about me. I am a dog. I have the floppy ears which at time stand in erect curiosity, (I can't help it, I am a dog,) the tell tale tail which constantly betrays me, and all that glorious fur which the food lady proudly displays upon her clothes. As a dog, I have many opinions. Please see the following.
1. I am concerned about the rapid deforestation in Asia
2. I am concerned that complex archeological sites are vanishing in the middle east due to war and circumstance.
3. I am perplexed why everyone in this household seems to be under the impression that I am somehow interested in chasing after a thrown stick. If you want the stick back so badly, why did you throw it in the first place?
4 My kibble dish is empty.
5. My kibble dish is still empty
6. Is anyone out there?

I am allowing the food lady to help me write this blog. I think it makes her feel important. She's a pretty good speller, (due to the advent of spell check,) and plus she has those helpful thumbs which come in really handy for typing and for when it comes time to open the door to go out for a "hurry hurry!"
All in all, the food lady's all right. I try to overlook the fact that we have a cat living here also. Next on the agenda.....

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