Saturday, August 29, 2009


Hello all of Rowdy's followers! This is Massy, Rowdy's sister. Even though we're siblings we don't look much alike. I'm taller than Rowdy and look like a black lab, while my brother is shorter and looks like a yellow lab. But we're related because we act just the same. I'm really excited that Rowdy and his food lady are going to let us be on this blog. It's a lot harder to be creative when you don't have opposable thumbs. I keep trying to convince my human that my piles of dog hair are artful, but so far she hasn't bought it. I've enjoyed meeting you and will try to contribute regularly. But now I have to go take a nap. I've been up for about 30 minutes and dog am I beat!


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hello ladies and gentle dogs, top of the morning to you! (I'm pretending to be British. I tried to explain this to the food lady, but she thinks my barking sounds as though I have heart worms.),
I have good news today! Guess! Guess!!!!No!Guess!!!Guess!!!!!No, the food lady did not drop her lunch, guess!!!!!That's it! I have a sister and she's going to be taking on some of the writing duties around here. How did you ever guess? So, let's all look forward to that and to the food lady possibly dropping her dinner. The cat, also known as the animal who is constantly underfoot, and I have an arrangement.
Come on dinner, come on,
The Dog

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Not all dogs are allergic to chocolate chip cookies, so ha, ha food lady.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A love letter to the Food Lady, full of many good suggestions

Dearest Food Lady,
As previously stated, you are all right. Please allow me to list just a few things that you could do that would make you an even better food lady.
I would like an electric blanket. Our house is drafty in the winter months and since you insist that I sleep on my bed instead of yours, I think this is in order.
I would like to take a trip around the world. Traveling is very sophisticated and I yearn to be a sophisticated dog.
Please quit telling people that story about the time you took me down to the river, let me off my leash, threw that dern stick into the water, taunted me with a hearty "go boy!," and then had to save me from drowning in the water because apparently contrary to popular belief, all dogs cannot swim. That story hurts my feelings.
I would like it very much if when the next time Provider Man cooks a steak, I got more than just the bone. Where's the rest of it? That's all I'm asking.
Still trying to get past the neutering,
The Dog

Monday, August 10, 2009

The head dog starts......

It's true what they say about me. I am a dog. I have the floppy ears which at time stand in erect curiosity, (I can't help it, I am a dog,) the tell tale tail which constantly betrays me, and all that glorious fur which the food lady proudly displays upon her clothes. As a dog, I have many opinions. Please see the following.
1. I am concerned about the rapid deforestation in Asia
2. I am concerned that complex archeological sites are vanishing in the middle east due to war and circumstance.
3. I am perplexed why everyone in this household seems to be under the impression that I am somehow interested in chasing after a thrown stick. If you want the stick back so badly, why did you throw it in the first place?
4 My kibble dish is empty.
5. My kibble dish is still empty
6. Is anyone out there?

I am allowing the food lady to help me write this blog. I think it makes her feel important. She's a pretty good speller, (due to the advent of spell check,) and plus she has those helpful thumbs which come in really handy for typing and for when it comes time to open the door to go out for a "hurry hurry!"
All in all, the food lady's all right. I try to overlook the fact that we have a cat living here also. Next on the agenda.....